Best Selling Knives Hit 100+Levels ,AdMob

Best Selling Knives Hit 100+Levels ,AdMob

Throw the Knives Battling in the Trails of Olympus Slash the Apples and Unlock New Daggers there's 2 Modes (Endless) And (Face the Gods) and ((Leading up to Boss)) Be careful to not hit the knives or the spikes. Time your actions, target carefully and become the knife master!
$ 29
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Category Game Templates / Unity
First Release 20 April 2021
Last updated 14 April 2022
Platforms Android 4.3.x, Android 4.4, Android 5.0, Android 6.0, Android 7.0, Android 8.0, Android 9.0, Unity 5.2.x, Unity 5.3, Unity 5.4, Unity 5.5, Unity 5.6, Unity 2017, Unity 2019
File Size 20 MB
Frameworks Unity
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